Announcement of remote work-based business operations to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
- Notice
- Others
April 13, 2020
Tosei Corporation
Toranomon Tosei Building, 4-2-3 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
President and CEO: Seiichiro Yamaguchi
Securities code: 8923 (Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section)
S2D (Singapore Exchange, Mainboard)
Contact: Director and CFO: Noboru Hirano
TEL: +81-3-3435-2865
To whom it may concern
In response to the declaration of state of national emergency, the Company has implemented remote work-based business operations for all of the employees with some exceptions during the period as below, to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and to ensure the well-being of our employees and their families.
Scheduled period
April 8, 2020 - May 6, 2020
(Depending on the situation, the period may be extended)
*With the extension of the emergency declaration on May 4, 2020, we will continue to implement remote work-based business operations after May 7, 2020.
Due to t remote work-based business operations, we are unable to answer your calls. Please directly email or call (mobile phone) your representative.
The Company will take appropriate actions in accordance with the government policy.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation and understanding.