Labor Environment

Basic Approach to the Labor Environment

We recognize that the creation of a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment for all employees is an important factor for sustainable corporate growth, and we promote occupational health and safety activities, including the prevention of occupational accidents, and health promotion initiatives. We respect the human rights of all people who work for our group, do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment, and strive to develop human resources to become professionals with a good heart and build a favorable work environment.

Respect for Human Rights

Our Approach to Human Rights

The Tosei Group's approach to respect for human rights, employee ethics and norms, and occupational health and safety is set forth in policies and internal regulations, including the "Tosei Group Human Rights Policy" and the "Tosei Group Ethics Code." These policies, norms, and regulations were established through meetings of the Management Committee and Board of Directors of Tosei Corporation, and are posted on the Company's website and intranet, as well as distributed in the Risk Compliance Guidebook, to ensure that all employees are fully aware of them. In addition, periodic education is provided to all employees to promote correct understanding of these policies.

The Tosei Group Human Rights Policy

The Tosei Group respects the fundamental human rights set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We support and respect the following items as basic labor rights.

1.Prohibition of discrimination
We prohibit all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.

2.Prohibition of harassment
We prohibit all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment and power harassment.

3.Prohibition of child labor
We prohibit all forms of child labor.

4.Prohibition of forced labor
We prohibit all forms of forced labor.

5.Reduction of excessive work
We implement appropriate working hour management to reduce excessive work.

6.Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
We respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

7.Payment of wages above the minimum wage
We comply with the Minimum Wage Law and other labor laws and regulations to pay wages to our employees above the minimum wage.

8.Ensuring health and safety
We strive to prevent occupational accidents and create workplaces where employees can work in good health and safety.

The Tosei Group Ethics Code

To fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we will always attach importance to a high standard of ethics and a law-abiding spirit while pursuing our corporate philosophy, and will conduct our business activities in accordance with the following Code.

1.Sustainable economic growth and resolution of social issues
We will strive for sustainable growth and the resolution of social issues by always putting ourselves in our customers' shoes and positioning safety and security at the heart of the products and services we develop and provide, and by forever remaining humble and conducting business activities in good faith.

2.Fair Information Disclosure
We will disclose the necessary corporate information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner in order to obtain proper evaluation and understanding from investors and wider society.

3.Fair and transparent decision-making
We will make decisions based on appropriate and explainable reasoning, in accordance with laws, regulations and internal rules.

4.Thorough compliance with laws and regulations and fair dealings
We will understand both domestic and international laws and regulations and will never engage in any conduct that violates such legislation, or in any fraudulent conduct. We will also engage in fair and free competition and appropriate transactions, and will avoid becoming involved in bribery or other similar giving or receiving of unfair advantage in any way.

5.Comprehensive crisis management
We will not have any relationships with antisocial forces and will conduct thorough and organized crisis management to prepare for a terrorism, cyber-attack, natural disaster or other crisis.

6.Protection of confidential information
We will protect and strictly manage the material information of the Tosei Group, the personal information of customers, the information of business partners, and other confidential information.

7.Respect for human rights and creation of positive work environments
We will respect human rights and will not tolerate any behavior which violates the dignity of individuals including discrimination and harassment. We will also strive to develop human resources and create working environment with mutual trust and decency.

8.Initiatives to address environmental issues
We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by implementing initiatives to reduce our environmental impact, recycle resources and address the risk of climate change, based on a strong awareness of the importance of environmental issues.

9.Social Contribution
We will seek harmony with local communities and the global community as a good corporate citizen and actively and continuously promote activities that contribute to society.

10.Commitment of Top Management
The Tosei Group's Top Management recognizes that it falls to them to embody the spirit of this Code and, in the event of a violation of this Code, top management will proactively take charge of resolving the issue, endeavor to identify the cause and prevent a recurrence, demonstrate accountability, including the disclosure of information to markets and society in a timely and appropriate manner, and fairly and strictly punish those involved, including themselves.

Efforts to Respect Human Rights

Addressing Labor Issues

  • Prohibition of child labor
      We require applicants to be at least 18 years of age to be considered for employment, and we are required to verify the age of applicants when we receive an application for employment.
  • Prohibition of forced labor
      In hiring, we assume that the applicant has applied for the position, and after one or more employment screenings, we notify the applicant of his/her acceptance. Upon entering the company, working conditions are presented and employment is initiated upon agreement with the applicant.
  • Prevention of overwork
      We strive to prevent overwork through daily and monthly monitoring of working hours, no-overtime days, and encouraging employees to take paid leave.
  • Payment of salary above living wage
      Our basic policy is not only to comply with minimum wage regulations, but also to pay wages that exceed them. For FY2023, the average annual salary was 8.47 million yen.(Tosei Corporation)

Respect for Human Rights in the Supply Chain

We confirm the status of our suppliers' efforts to respect human rights in the supply chain. We have established a Sustainable Procurement Manual and conduct an ESG questionnaire for suppliers whose annual transaction value exceeds a certain level, to check their efforts to prohibit child labor, forced labor, and harassment, ensure occupational health and safety, comply with laws and regulations, give consideration to the environment, and implement risk management. The Sustainability Committee then reviews the results and discusses whether or not to continue transactions with them.

In 2023, we conducted questionnaires for 6 suppliers in the real estate revitalization, development, and rental businesses, and the committee reviewed their initiatives and discussed whether to continue transactions with them. The same questionnaire has been conducted since 2021, monitoring a cumulative total of 19 suppliers, accounting for more than 84% of total supplier orders in the relevant businesses.

Efforts to Prevent Harassment

In addition to distributing the "Harassment Handbook" to all Group officers and employees to provide specific definitions and examples of harassment, we are working to promote understanding and prevent harassment by distributing educational content to the Risk Compliance Portal on the intranet and providing online courses by outside instructors. In addition, "Personnel, Labor and Management Training" is provided to managers, which includes training on how to respond to incidents of harassment, what they should pay attention to as managers, and how to prepare themselves for harassment prevention.

Harassment Consultation Desk and Working Style Consultation Desk

The Group has established dedicated consultation desk (via e-mail or telephone) in the human resources sections of each Group company for the purpose of preventing all forms of harassment and responding promptly and appropriately in the event that harassment does occur. This harassment consultation desk is available to all Group employees regardless of their employment status. In resolving the problem, we will confirm the facts through hearings with the reporter, the subject of the report, as well as cooperating parties, etc., and take appropriate measures to prevent recurrence. If you wish to consult or report anonymously, you may do so through the dedicated anonymous consultation desk. In addition, we ensure that the privacy of the informant is protected and that confidentiality is strictly observed so that the informant will not be disadvantaged when using the harassment consultation desk. If an investigation confirms that harassment has occurred, disciplinary action will be taken against the harasser in accordance with the rules on rewards and punishments. In addition to the harassment consultation desk, the Company also provides a consultation desk regarding working styles and personnel systems.

In addition to the harassment consultation desk, we have also established the "Tosei Hot Line," a whistle-blowing desk for the entire Group, which accepts reports from employees and officers of the Group on any conduct that violates or may violate laws and regulations, for the prevention and early detection of violations of laws and regulations and corruption, including bribery.

Safety and Health

Approach to Safety and Health in the Workplace

We recognize that ensuring health and safety in the workplace is a key management issue, and we strive to prevent occupational accidents and promote the creation of a healthy and safe work environment in which all employees can maximize their abilities. We have established a “Health Committee” as a system to promote the health of our employees, to create a working environment where employees can work energetically, and to assess risks related to health and safety. The Health Committee meets monthly and reports to the Board of Directors.

Tosei Group Health & Productivity Management Policy

The Tosei Group regards employees' health and safety as a key management issue, build a workplace environment that inspires employees to work energetically, and take measures proactively to maintain and promote their health, under our management principle: Continue developing seasoned, true professionals based on people-centered management.

Health and Productivity Management Declaration

1.Promoting employee health
We will drive health and productivity management proactively to build a workplace environment that inspires each employee to work energetically with good physical and mental health.

2.Growth and development of the Group
We will work to maintain and promote the health of Group companies' employees, thereby improving the Group's performance for its further growth and development.

3.Contribution to society
Through real-estate-related products and services we provide at the Group, we will work to maintain and promote the health of people living in local communities, thus contributing to building a wealthy, sustainable society.

Promotion System

Health Committee

Management and
Supervisory Body

Board of directors

Person in Charge and Matters of Deliberations

Chairman of the Health Committee:
Shunsuke Yamaguchi, Director and Managing Executive Officer

Representatives from each department participate as committee members, and the meeting is held monthly in the presence of an industrial physician. The Health Committee monitors the overall working environment, including the status of the workplace environment, health checkups received, and overtime hours worked, evaluates risks related to employee health and safety, and provides feedback to employees and takes other actions. Reports are also made to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis.


Personnel department

Health and Productivity Management Organization

We have been certified as an "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (Large Corporation Division)" following 2023. The "Health and Productivity Management Organization" is a system to honor large corporations, small and medium-sized companies, and other corporations that practice particularly excellent health management, based on initiatives that meet local health issues and health promotion efforts promoted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi. We have established "Tosei Group Health & Productivity Management Policy" and regard the health and safety of employees as an important management issue, and is actively working on measures to maintain and promote health by creating a workplace environment where employees can work with vitality.

Health Management

Health Checkup

In addition to the legally mandated annual medical checkup, employees aged 35 and over are eligible for company-subsidized thorough physical examination to detect illnesses at an early stage and further promote their health.

For FY2023, the health checkup uptake rate was 100%.(Tosei Corporation)

Stress Check

The stress check system is implemented once a year for the purpose of primary prevention of mental health problems by helping employees recognize and cope with their own stress and improving the work environment.

For FY2023, the stress check examination rate was 100%.(Tosei Corporation)

Cooperation with Industrial Physician

For employees who work overtime above a certain level, including managers, an interview with an industrial physician is mandatory, a measure that exceeds the legal standard.

Health Promotion Programs

In addition to regular health checkups, we offer health promotion programs that employees can easily participate in on a voluntary basis. In 2023, we held "health seminars" and "health measurement session" by public health nurses and "relaxation seminars" with yoga instructors.

Relaxation Seminar
Health measurement session

Mental healthcare

Questionnaires and training on mental health care are conducted for all employees under the guidance of affiliated industrial physicians. In addition, in cooperation with affiliated hospitals, we have set up a dedicated desk where employees can directly seek health consultation.

Measures to Prevent the COVID-19 Infection

In response to the spread of the COVID-19 infection, we implemented measures to ensure the health and safety of employees, their families, business partners, and others, such as requiring the wearing of masks, installing disinfectants, ventilating office and meeting rooms, encouraging hand sanitization, and installing acrylic panels. In addition, working from home is encouraged, and a teleworking environment has been prepared by distributing mobile terminals, utilizing the cloud, building PCs with external connectivity, and establishing various other infrastructure.

*We are working to continue our flexible working style while changing our measures after the transition to a new type 5 coronavirus infection in May 2023.

Occupational Safety and Health

Employee Safety and Health

We recognize the importance of a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment for all employees in order to achieve sustainable corporate growth, and we are promoting occupational health and safety activities, including the prevention of occupational accidents, and the promotion of employee health. In the event of an occupational accident, the Human Resources Department, which is the main management department, will promptly confirm the situation and, in cooperation with the department where the incident occurred, report to and consult with various meetings and related organizations in an effort to contain the situation and take appropriate measures. In addition, we promptly formulate and implement countermeasures, ensure that all employees of the Group are fully aware of these measures, and continuously follow up to prevent recurrence.

For FY2023, the number of violations of labor standards and the number of occupational accidents were 0.(Tosei Corporation)

Safety and Health in the Supply Chain

Our Approach to Safety and Health

Recognizing that promoting the creation of a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment for all employees of the Group is an important matter for sustainable corporate growth, the Group promotes occupational health and safety activities, including the prevention of occupational accidents, and initiatives related to health promotion. In addition, at every stage from design, construction, and construction supervision to building operation and management, we work closely and collaboratively with government agencies, suppliers, contractors, and others to ensure the health, safety, and security of workplaces, construction sites, and other areas.

Supplier Questionnaire (ESG Questionnaire)

As part of our supply chain management, we have established a Sustainable Procurement Manual and conduct an annual supplier questionnaire (ESG questionnaire) for important suppliers whose annual order value exceeds a certain amount to check their respect for human rights, including occupational health and safety, prohibition of child labor and forced labor, prohibition of harassment, as well as compliance with laws, environmental considerations, and risk management. The results are reviewed by the Sustainability Committee, which then deliberates on whether or not to continue transactions with the companies. In 2023, we conducted questionnaires for 6 suppliers in the real estate revitalization, development, and rental businesses, and the committee reviewed their initiatives and discussed whether to continue transactions with them. The same questionnaire has been conducted since 2021, monitoring a cumulative total of 19 suppliers, accounting for more than 84% of total supplier orders in the relevant businesses.

Our Approach to Real Estate Portfolio Management

In the management of real estate portfolios, the Tosei Group holds an annual “Operations Quality Improvement Conference” to raise awareness of safety, quality management and compliance and to build a strong partnership with partner companies, with the aim of improving the quality of operations. This event is hosted by Tosei Community, which operates a property management business, and is a group training session for its primary suppliers, or secondary suppliers to Tosei, which are important business partners, and is part of the supply chain management of the Tosei Group's real estate portfolio. 51 participants from 29 business partners joined the event in 2023.

Percentage of Offices with OHSAS 18001 Certification

Currently, we have no offices with OHSAS 18001 certification.

Work-Life Balance and Diversity

Working Hours Management

Compliance with labor-related laws

To reduce long working hours and comply with the 36 Agreements, we comply with the Labor Standards Law, the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and other domestic laws and regulations, and strive to properly manage working hours and the working environment.

Prevention of overwork

  • We manage employee working hours on a daily basis through our attendance management system, and notify employees and their supervisors whose overtime hours exceed a certain threshold.
  • We are promoting initiatives to reduce overtime and excessive work, such as the introduction of "No Overtime Days.
  • We report the results of monthly monitoring of employee overtime and use of paid leave to the Health Committee, and after sharing information, we are working to reduce overtime and promote the use of paid leave.
  • We provide an occupational physician consultation to employees whose overtime hours exceed a certain standard.

For FY2023, the average overtime hours was 24.3 hours per month.(Tosei Corporation)

Encouraging Employees to Take Paid Leave

To create an atmosphere that encourages employees to take paid leave, we have introduced "anniversary leave," which allows employees to take a day of paid leave once a year on an anniversary date they voluntarily set, and "planned annual leave (1 day)," which allows employees to take a summer vacation for a longer period of time.

For FY2023, the paid leave utilization rate was 66.1%.(Tosei Corporation)

Various Leave Systems

To support changes in life due to life stages such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care, we have established various systems including maternity leave, childcare leave, and nursing care leave.

For FY2023, the female childcare leave utilization rate is 100%, and the male childcare leave utilization rate is 42.9%.(Tosei Corporation)

Flexible Working Systems

Short-time Work・Staggered Commute

Employees who care for children in the third grade of elementary school or younger and those who care for family members in need of nursing care* may shorten their working hours by 30-minute increments up to a maximum of two hours per day. In addition to this, employees who care for children in the third grade of elementary school or younger are allowed to stagger their work hours by 30-minute increments, up to a maximum of one hour before or after the start and end of the workday.

*The coverage is three years from the start date of use per family member in need of care for.

For FY2023, the number of employees using shortened working hours was 10.(Tosei Corporation)

Working From Home

As a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, we are promoting the use of cloud services and web meetings to encourage working from home.

*We are working to continue our flexible working style while changing our measures after the transition to a new type 5 coronavirus infection in May 2023.

In-house Club Activities

We provide subsidies for in-house club activities to stimulate communication among employees. So far, a total of 10 cultural and athletic clubs have been established, providing valuable opportunities for communication with employees in departments and group companies with which they have little contact in their daily work.

Family Days

Origami corner

We hold family days once a year to give children a better understanding of their parents' job and workplace. In 2023, a total of 21 families or 69 family members attended the family day and enjoyed activities such as sticker relay around the headoffice, origami corner using recycled wallpaper and family photo shoot. The day also served as a social occasion for employees and their family members to get to know each other.

*Canceled from 2020 to 2022 because of the pandemic of COVID-19. 

Employee Satisfaction Survey

We implement employee satisfaction surveys to gain an understanding of employees' attitudes toward their work and the workplace environment, which is reflected in various personnel policies.

LGBTs Initiatives

Tosei Group prohibits any discrimination related to sexual orientation in our human rights policy. In addition, we have established a contact point (anonymous or otherwise) for consultation in the unlikely event of discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation, etc., and have built a system to deal with the situation promptly.

Initiatives for Condominium Sales

Princess Square Co.,Ltd. is promoting various initiatives to support LGBTs people in finding and purchasing housing, including holding seminars for employees with outside lecturers and sponsoring the "Tokyo Rainbow Pride" since 2018. In addition, the company has received the highest "Gold" rating for three consecutive years since 2020 in the "PRIDE Index," which evaluates a company's commitment to LGBTs people.

LGBTs Training

Princess Square Co.,Ltd. invite outside lecturers who are LGBT people to our training sessions. The lecturers shared various experiences and explained terms such as SOGIE, a generic term for sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, and ALLY, which refers to associates who endorse and support the activities of LGBT people, and how those working in companies should interact with and support LGBT people.

Human Resource Management

Approach to Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development Based on the Group's Corporate Philosophy

In order to realize the Tosei Group's goal of "becoming a group of seasoned professionals who create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate," our human resource development goal is to create an organization in which each and every employee can strive to improve their knowledge and skills, and maximize their motivation and abilities. We value diversity in the hiring, development, and promotion of human resources, and provide equal opportunities for growth and success to those who continue to pursue our corporate philosophy, regardless of gender, nationality, or employment history.

Human Resource Development Policy

The Group positions human resource development as a total system that includes the creation of training opportunities for employees, as well as promotion, transfer, and evaluation, and focuses on "training from various perspectives," "on-the-job training," "support for self-development," and "cooperation with various personnel systems."

  • Training from various perspectives

    In the rank-based training, employees acquire the skills and abilities to perform their jobs in a systematic, intensive, and experiential manner. Job-specific training provides systematic, intensive, and experiential learning of the value-added competencies defined for each organization and job category. Training common to all employees (training in essential knowledge and skills that all employees must acquire) includes various compliance training programs, English language training, and IT literacy training.

  • On-the-job training (OJT)

    It is a systematic training program for employees to provide each other with necessary information, knowledge, skills, and experience that are closely related to their work. Through this process of mutual development, we aim to improve the leadership and instructional skills of not only those who receive instruction but also those who promote OJT.

  • Support for Self-Development

    In order to support the self-development of each employee to develop his or her own abilities, we have established a system of congratulatory payments for the acquisition of various qualifications, and support for attendance at courses sponsored by educational and training institutions designated by the company.

  • Cooperation with Various Personnel Systems

    In order to promote the growth and vitalization of each employee and the organization, we make much account of opportunities for communication with each individual, such as providing regular feedback on the results of personnel evaluations, regular reports on OJT, and opportunities to meet with managers and the Human Resources Department to discuss career development and job rotations.

Education and Training

Training TitleTarget GroupTraining ObjectivesFrequencyTraining Contents
Induction training for new employees New graduates and new members who join mid-way To understand the matters to be complied with as an employee of our group, business outline, system operation rules, etc. Every year
  • Description of the Group's operations
  • Basics of organization, risk compliance, and IT systems
  • Basic knowledge of the use of installed IT systems, etc.
Compliance Training All employees Foster a culture and raise awareness of compliance and acquire latest knowledge. Every year
  • Harassment Prevention
  • Whistle-blowing system
  • Ethics Code (including promotion of fair trade)
  • Compliance trends, etc.
Management Training Managers To deepen understanding of health care, personnel and labor management, which are important for department and unit operations. Every year
  • Mental health issues
  • Periodic Health Checkups and Health Management
  • Working hour management
  • Harassment
  • Trends in human resources and labor issues, etc.
Skills Training All employees To improve the individual skills and knowledge of employees. Every year
  • Participants voluntarily select from a wide range of training programs offered by external organizations, including business skills, sales techniques, thinking methods, management, tool creation skills, etc.
Information Asset Management Training All employees Raise awareness of information leak prevention and establish internal rules regarding information asset management and insider trading. Every year
  • Definition of Information Assets
  • Rules to prevent information leakage
  • Management of personal and inside information
  • Basic knowledge and importance of insider trading prevention, etc.
ESG Training All employees To acquire knowledge on ESG and establish sustainability awareness in the course of business. Every year
  • Tosei Group's ESG promotion system and disaster prevention-related efforts
  • Corporate Governance
  • Climate change issues, environmental real estate certification, etc.
Lecture on the acquisition of the "Real Estate Notary" qualification Prospective employees and new graduates Obtain the "Real Estate Notary" qualification, which is related to the business. Every year
  • Invite outside lecturers to conduct training to obtain the "Real Estate Notary" qualification, which is related to the business
Business Law Training All employees of the Sales Department except Asset Solution Business Promotion Department and Architecture Planning Department
*Excludes division managers and above and temporary employees.
To acquire basic and applied knowledge of relevant laws and regulations and to foster a culture of legal compliance. Every year
  • Recent Court Decisions on Building Lots and Buildings Transactions
  • Revision of Real Estate Brokerage Act based on the Act on the Arrangement of Related Laws for the Formation of a Digital Society
  • Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
  • Consumer Contract Act
  • Advertising Regulations

Support for Getting Qualifications

In order to support the self-development of employees and to promote the acquisition of qualifications necessary for the licensing of operations related to the Company and the Group, and to contribute to the promotion of human resource development of the Company, the Company has a system to provide congratulatory money for the acquisition of such qualifications.

For FY2023, the number of newly qualified employees was 23.(Tosei Corporation)

Social Performance Data

Employees Data

FY2018 - FY2022:
Group as a whole
FY2023: Tosei Corporation/(Group as a whole)

Number of EmployeesMale/
294/137 314/143 345/164 411/227 430/233 201/67
Total 431 457 509 638 663 268(727)
Percentage of Employees(%)Male/
68/32 69/31 68/32 64/36 65/35 75/25

Employees by Age Group

50/32 56/30 70/47 84/64 96/64 55/22
Total 82 86 117 148 160 77(165)


89/50 103/54 98/50 125/81 115/92 54/17


139 157 148 206 207 71(231)


110/42 101/41 111/50 124/66 119/61 44/20


152 142 161 190 180 64(188)
40/11 53/13 58/15 67/13 84/13 33/7
Total 51 66 73 80 97 40(125)
60s and overMale/
5/2 4/2 8/2 11/3 16/3 15/1
Total 7 6 10 14 19 16(18)
Number of ManagersMale/
101/6 104/5 101/8 124/13 136/14 63/4
Total 107 109 109 137 150 67(168)
Percentage of Managers(%)Male/
95/5 95/5 92/8 90/10 91/9 94/6
Number of Female Directors 0 0 0 2 1 0(1)

*Figures from FY2018 to FY2022 are for the Tosei Group as a whole. Figures from FY2023 are for Tosei Corporation on a non-consolidated basis. Figures in ( ) are for the Tosei Group as a whole.

Coverage of the Tosei Group as a whole: Tosei Corporation, Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc., Tosei Community Co., Ltd., Tosei Logistics Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Service Co., Ltd., Princess Square Co., Ltd., Kishino Coporation, Masuda Kenzai-ten Co., Ltd., Isogo Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shibaura Residential Co., Ltd., TOSEI-R, Inc.

Employment Data

Number of new graduate hiresMale/
7/5 7/3 7/3 10/3 10/5 14/6
Total 12 10 10 13 15 20
Number of mid-career hiresMale/
21/3 19/3 13/7 15/11 30/13 29/5
Total 24 22 20 26 43 34

Number of non-regular hires

2/7 2/8 3/16 2/7 0/6 18/4


9 10 19 9 6 22

Percentage of employees with disabilities (%)

0.36 0.35 1.64 1.33 1.63 2.24
Average number of years of service Male/
4.9/6.7 5.3/7.0 5.4/6.4 5.0/6.5 5.2/5.6 5.3/6.2


5.5 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.5 5.6
Gender Wage Gap
All Employee - - - - 69.0 69.5
Regular Employee
Whole - - - - 68.5 70.5
- - - - 82.5/82.0 85.1/
Fixed-term Employee
- - - - 86.2 52.7
Number of employees who left for personal reasons 15 18 20 14 24 21(105)
Turnover rate for personal reasons (%) 7.6 8.2 9.1 8.6 9.3 8.9

Coverage: Tosei Corporation. Figures in ( ) are for the Tosei Group as a whole.

Coverage of the Tosei Group as a whole: Tosei Corporation, Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc., Tosei Community Co., Ltd., Tosei Logistics Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Service Co., Ltd., Princess Square Co., Ltd., Kishino Coporation, Masuda Kenzai-ten Co., Ltd., Isogo Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shibaura Residential Co., Ltd., TOSEI-R, Inc.

  1. *1Percentage of women in average annual wages, with men as 100
  2. *2Target Periods:FY2022 (from December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022)
  3. *3Wages:Includes fixed salary, remuneration for overtime, bonuses, etc., and excludes retirement allowance, commuting allowance, etc.
  4. *4Regular Employee:Excluding seconded employees.
  5. *5Fixed-term Employee:Excluding temporary employees.

Leaves and Diverse Work Styles Data


Overtime working hours
(average per employee)

32:01 29:03 25:55 26:29 24:45 24:18

Percentage of paid leave used (%)

44.4 65.1 60.3 65.4 68.3 66.1

Number of employees who used childcare leave

0/3 0/3 0/3 1/3 4/4 3/0


3 3 3 4 8 3
Acquisition rate of childcare leave (%)Male/
0/100 0/100 0/100 7/100 40/100 43/0
Percentage of employees who returned to work after childcare leave (%)Male/
0/100 0/100 0/100 100/100 100/100 100/100
Number of employees who used nursing care leaveMale/
0 0 0 0 0 1/0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 1
Number of employees working short-timeMale/
0/3 0/6 0/4 0/6 0/6 1/9
Total 3 6 4 6 6 10

Coverage:Tosei Corporation

Employee Health and Safety Data


Number of violations of labor standards

1 0 0 2 0 0
Absentee rate (%) 0.20 0.15 0.04 0.10 0.33 0.22

Percentage of employees who had health checkups (%)

100 100 100 100 100 100

Percentage of employees who had stress check (%)

100 100 100 100 100 100

Number of occupational accidents

0 0 0 1 0 0
Number of fatal disasters 0 0 0 0 0 0(0)
Lost-time incident rate(%) 0 0 0 0 0 0(0)
Injury rate (%) 0 0 0 0.5 0 0
Lost day incident rate (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost-time injury frequency rate (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of employees trained in health and safety - - - 48 66 88

Coverage: Tosei Corporation. Figures in ( ) are for the Tosei Group as a whole.

Coverage of the Tosei Group as a whole: Tosei Corporation, Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc., Tosei Community Co., Ltd., Tosei Logistics Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Management Co., Ltd., Tosei Hotel Service Co., Ltd., Princess Square Co., Ltd., Kishino Coporation, Masuda Kenzai-ten Co., Ltd., Isogo Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shibaura Residential Co., Ltd., TOSEI-R, Inc.

Formula for calculating the lost-time incident rate(%): Number of lost time incidents / (annual prescribed working hours x number of employees) x 1,000,000

Human Resource Management Data


Number of empoyees who newly acquired qualifications*1

14 13 14 19 28 23

Number of students hosted for internships*2

26 145 72 30 90 49

Total annual company-wide training hours

- - - 5,403.5 15,743.2 12,186.2

Annual training hours per employee

- - - 25.1 64.5 45.5
Annual training days per employee
- - - 3.14 8.07 5.68
Total annual training expenses for the entire company
(Thousands of yen)
- - - 4,367 6,400 7,706

Coverage:Tosei Corporation

  1. *1Number of employees who acquired encouraged qualifications
  2. *2Includes seminar-type 1-day internship