Product Quality Management

Management of Product Quality

Approach to Quality Control

The Group is engaged in businesses closely related to the lives of our customers, providing a variety of real estate-related products and services, including office buildings, condominiums, detached houses, commercial facilities, logistics facilities, hotels, and real estate investment products such as crowdfunding. Always from the customer's perspective, we strive to improve customer satisfaction by providing products and services that are rooted in safety and reassurance, and by working to ensure quality. In selling these products and services, we strive to comply with various laws, regulations, and internal rules, and promote responsible advertising and promotional activities from the viewpoint of consumer protection.


Tosei's Architecture Planning Department has acquired ISO9001 certification for the planning, design, construction management, and after-sales service (regular inspections) of condominiums, office buildings, commercial buildings, and detached houses, and conducts strict quality control in accordance with ISO9001. Tosei Community Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tosei Corporation, is also an ISO9001-certified entity that undertakes the planning and provision of general management operations for condominiums, office buildings and rental condominiums.

(Updated May, 2022)

Quality Control and Quality Improvement Initiatives


All processes related to construction management in the construction of office buildings and condominiums are managed by the three parties of our company, designers and construction supervisors, and constructors based on the "TOSEI-QC-10" standards, with particular emphasis on inspection and check of areas out of sight of the customers, in order to provide safe and secure products.

Quality Improvement Review Meeting

In construction and renovation of office buildings and condominiums, detailed checks of specifications and in-depth meetings on instructions are conducted by our company, designers and construction supervisors, and constructors twice, immediately after the start of construction and before finishing work. While preventing the occurrence of problems, we strengthen cooperation among all parties involved in order to provide better products.

Building Safety Management and Risk Assessment

Tosei Community, a group company, regularly conducts patrolling inspections by the General Support Department and reports the results to the BM and PM Departments as part of safety management and risk assessment initiatives for managed properties. If any items are identified, the department in charge examines and implements preventive measures and corrective actions.

Supply Chain Management

Our Approach to Real Estate Portfolio Management

In the management of its real estate portfolio, the Group is committed not only to consider social issues with respect to its employees, but also to consider and address environmental and social issues with respect to its contractors.
In selecting contractors, we evaluate and monitor the status of efforts such as "occupational safety," "health management," "prohibition of bribery and corruption," and "fair wage payment" through supplier questionnaires. In addition, we are promoting supply chain management in our real estate portfolio by holding "Quality Improvement Conference," group training sessions for suppliers in cooperation with Tosei Community.

Supplier Questionnaire (ESG Questionnaire)

As part of our supply chain management, we have established a Sustainable Procurement Manual and conduct an annual supplier questionnaire (ESG questionnaire) for important suppliers whose annual order value exceeds a certain amount to check their respect for human rights, including occupational health and safety, prohibition of child labor and forced labor, prohibition of harassment, as well as compliance with laws, environmental considerations, and risk management. The results are reviewed by the Sustainability Committee, which then deliberates on whether or not to continue transactions with the companies.
In 2023, we conducted questionnaires for 6 suppliers in the Revitalization, Development, and Rental Business, and the committee reviewed their initiatives and discussed whether to continue transactions with them. The same questionnaire has been conducted since 2021, monitoring a cumulative total of 19 suppliers, accounting for more than 84% of total supplier orders in the relevant businesses.

Quality Improvement Conference

The Tosei Group holds an annual "Quality Improvement Conference" to raise awareness of safety, quality management and compliance and to build a strong partnership with partner companies, with the aim of improving the quality of operations. This event is hosted by Tosei Community, which operates a property management business, and is a group training session for its primary suppliers, or secondary suppliers to Tosei, which are important business partners, and is part of the supply chain management of the Tosei Group's real estate portfolio. 51 participants from 29 business partners joined the event in 2023.


Disaster Prevention Initiatives

Disaster Prevention Training

In response to the increasing importance of disaster prevention and fire prevention management in the wake of the recent increase in natural disasters, we have established a "Disaster Response Manual" that specifically defines initial responses and evacuation and rescue activities in the event of an earthquake, fire, or other disaster, and have distributed it to all Group employees in order to deepen employees' understanding of disaster prevention. In addition, as part of our disaster countermeasures, we conduct evacuation drills, AED training, and firefighting drills by our own firefighting team every year.

AED training

Workplace Disaster Preparedness Leaders

We have been registered as a Workplace Disaster Preparedness Leaders since February 2024.
Workplace Disaster Preparedness Leaders is a service in which companies, stores, etc. receive daily disaster prevention information and disaster information in the event of a disaster directly from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Receiving regular information on disaster prevention measures on a regular basis will promote disaster prevention measures in the workplace in advance in preparation.

Responsible Advertising and Marketing Activities

Internal Regulations for Responsible Advertising and Marketing Activities

With respect to various sales promotion activities in advertising and marketing of our products and services, we have established the "Regulations Concerning Advertisements and Premium Offers" to ensure proper operations in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and to contribute to consumer protection. In accordance with these rules, we have established the "Manual for Review of Advertisements" as an operational system for conducting appropriate advertising and marketing activities, and have built a system for review of advertisements by the General Affairs Department, which is responsible for legal affairs, depending on the target of the advertisement and the advertising media to be used. In principle, advertisement reviews are conducted in advance, and compliance with the manual is checked from the perspective of risk management and compliance, and corrective actions or recommendations are made as necessary. The General Affairs Department, which is in charge of advertisement review, prepares and maintains a report on the results of the advertisement review as a record of the review.

Regarding the use of SNS in our business activities, we have established "Rules for Management of Social Media Use Related to Business" and disclosed our Social Media Policy.

From the viewpoint of risk management regarding internal SNS operation, we conduct SNS training for SNS managers and staffs in charge, and have established a system in which only those who have completed the training are involved in SNS operation to ensure proper operation.

Advertisement Review Process

Department in charge of advertising placement : ①Person in charge checks the advertisement draft with the manager,②Request for advertisement review,Department in charge of review (General Affairs Department) : ③ The person in charge conducts a review to check the status of compliance with various laws and manuals. The manager checks the review result report and notifies the result. (review complete or correction request),④Notification of review results (review complete),⑤Apply with correction (if correction is necessary)

Audits of Advertisement Reviews

The Company's Internal Auditing Department conducts audits to inspect the status of implementation of review for advertisements of real estate for sale and lease in the periodic audits of group companies and related departments in the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business and Type II Financial Instruments Business.

Dissemination and Education of Advertising Laws and Regulations

Business Legal Affairs Liaison Meeting

In order to provide safe and secure products and services and promote fair transactions in compliance with related laws and regulations, we have established the Business Legal Affairs Liaison Meeting to confirm the enactment and revision of laws and regulations related to each business of the Tosei Group. At the meeting, we disseminate information on revisions to various laws and regulations and precautions regarding advertising. The meeting consists of general managers and above from each business, including group companies, and is held monthly under the supervision of the General Affairs Department, which is in charge of legal affairs.

Business Legal Affairs Training

Business Legal Affairs Training is held every year to provide employees of the sales department with basic and applied knowledge of laws and regulations related to various businesses and to foster a culture of compliance. The main content of the training is to provide knowledge related to compliance in sales operations, such as information on revisions to related laws and regulations, knowledge of new laws, and the latest precedents regarding building lots and buildings transactions, and to learn advertising-related laws and regulations. The training is designed to acquire and consolidate knowledge for the promotion of responsible advertising and marketing activities.