Workstyle and Diversity
Our Approach to Workstyle
Based on our management philosophy of "continue developing seasoned, true professionals based on people-centered management," we consider the creation of an environment in which diverse human resources can work healthily making the most of their individuality as one of the materiality of our human resource strategy, and are focusing on building a personnel system, organizational structure, and work environment in which each employee can make the most of their individuality and maximize their capabilities.
Working Hour Management
Compliance with Labor-related Laws
To reduce long working hours and comply with the 36 Agreements, we comply with the Labor Standards Law, the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and other domestic laws and regulations, and strive to properly manage working hours and the working environment.
Prevention of Excessive Work
We manage employee working hours on a daily basis through our attendance management system, and notify employees and their supervisors stepwise whose overtime hours exceed 25 hours per month.
We provide an occupational physician consultation to employees whose overtime hours exceed 80 hours per month.
We report the results of monthly monitoring of employee overtime and use of paid leave to the Health Committee, and after sharing information, we are working to reduce overtime and promote the use of paid leave.
We are promoting initiatives to reduce overtime and excessive work, such as the introduction of "No Overtime Days."
The Company has set an average overtime hours target of less than 30 hours per month, with actual results for FY2023 at 24.3 hours per month (Tosei Corporation).
Work-Life Balance
Encouraging Employees to Take Paid Leave
To create an atmosphere that encourages employees to take paid leave, we have introduced "anniversary leave," which allows employees to take a day of paid leave once a year on an anniversary date they voluntarily set, and "planned annual leave (1 day)," which allows employees to take a summer vacation for a longer period of time.
The Company has set a target of 60% or more for employees taking paid leave, and the actual rate for FY2023 was 66.1% (Tosei Corporation).
Various Leave Systems
To support changes in life due to life stages such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care, we have established various systems including maternity leave, childcare leave, and nursing care leave.
The Company has set a target of 80% or more for male employees taking childcare leave, etc. In FY2023, 100% of female employees took childcare leave, and 42.9% of male employees took childcare leave (Tosei Corporation).
Flexible Working Systems
Short-Time Work / Staggered Commute
Employees who care for children in the third grade of elementary school or younger and those who care for family members in need of nursing care* may shorten their working hours by 30-minute increments up to a maximum of two hours per day. In addition to this, employees who care for children in the third grade of elementary school or younger are allowed to stagger their work hours by 30-minute increments, up to a maximum of one hour before or after the start and end of the workday.
*The coverage is three years from the start date of use per family member in need of care for.
For FY2023, the number of employees using shortened working hours was 10 (Tosei Corporation).
Working from Home
As a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, we are promoting the use of cloud services and web meetings to encourage working from home.
*We are working to continue our flexible working style while changing our measures after the transition to a new type 5 coronavirus infection in May 2023.
In-House Club Activities
We provide subsidies for in-house club activities to stimulate communication among employees. So far, a total of 10 cultural and athletic clubs have been established, providing valuable opportunities for communication with employees in departments and group companies with which they have little contact in their daily work.
Family Days
We hold family days once a year to give children a better understanding of their parents' job and workplace. In 2023, a total of 21 families or 69 family members attended the family day and enjoyed activities such as sticker relay around the headoffice, origami corner using recycled wallpaper and family photo shoot. The day also served as a social occasion for employees and their family members to get to know each other.

*Canceled from 2020 to 2022 because of the pandemic of COVID-19
Employee Satisfaction Survey
We implement employee satisfaction surveys to gain an understanding of employees' attitudes toward their work and the workplace environment, which is reflected in various personnel policies.
The Company has set a job satisfaction* target of 80% or more, and the actual result for FY2023 was 68.0% (Tosei Corporation).
*The percentages of respondents who selected the top two items on the "job satisfaction" rating scales (5 levels), in the regularly conducted employee satisfaction survey
Promotion of Women's Careers
We recognize the promotion of women's careers as one of our important issues, and have announced a target of 10% or more female managers. The ratio of female managers for FY2023 is 6.0% (Tosei Corporation). In addition, we have set a target for the wage differentials between men and women (all workers) of 70% or more, and the actual result for FY2023 was 69.5% (Tosei Corporation).
Specific measures include training on women's specific health-related issues, life events, and career development, and other efforts to create a comfortable work environment for women.
Age-Appropriate Support for Employees
Life Design Training
With the aim of further enriching the personal and corporate lives of our employees, we provide training on career, health, asset building, and other topics for different age groups to help employees of all ages work actively.
Promotion of Seniors' Careers
We offer post-retirement reemployment to employees aged 60 or older, and have introduced a continuous employment system that allows senior employees with a wealth of knowledge and experience to work until a maximum age of 65. In some cases, we continue to hire employees in the same position after retirement according to their pre-retirement positions and skills, and in other cases, we hire people who have retired from other companies due to retirement or other reasons as our managers, creating an environment in which they can take advantage of their experience and aptitude to work at the forefront of the company.
LGBTQ Initiatives
Tosei Group prohibits any discrimination related to sexual orientation in our human rights policy. In addition, we have established a contact point (anonymous or otherwise) for consultation in the unlikely event of discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation, etc., and have built a system to deal with the situation promptly.
Initiatives for Customers and Society
Princess Square Co., Ltd., which handles existing condominiums, has a dedicated LGBTQ representative and promotes various initiatives to support LGBTQ people in finding and purchasing a home. Since 2018, the company has been a co-sponsor of the Tokyo Rainbow Pride and has received the highest "Gold" rating for four consecutive years since 2020 in the PRIDE Index, which evaluates a company's commitment to LGBTQ individuals.
Initiatives for Employees
Princess Square do not discriminate against our customers or employees based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and we respect diverse values. We aim to be a company where everyone can demonstrate their abilities in a comfortable working environment by encouraging understanding of LGBTQ people and participation in in-house training and events. In-house training sessions are conducted by outside lecturers who are LGBTQ people, who share their experiences and explain definitions of words related to sexual orientation and terms such as "ALLY," which means a colleague who supports LGBTQ people's activities, and how those who work at the company should interact with and support LGBTQ people.
Tosei Corporation is also working to deepen understanding of sexual minorities by providing training on LGBTQ issues for managers.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities
As part of our efforts to promote employment of people with disabilities, we established "Work Happiness Tosei Mobara Farm" in Mobara City, Chiba Prefecture in February 2020.
At the farm, employees with disabilities grow a variety of crops, and the harvested vegetables are delivered to Tosei's head office and distributed free of charge to employees of group companies.

Data and Achievements
Please see here for in-depth data regarding workstyle and diversity.