Policies and Regulations
Our Approach to Sustainability
In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our corporate activities, the Tosei Group has established The Tosei Group ESG Policy and The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines and is striving to implement ESG management that takes sustainability into consideration by establishing an ESG promotion system led by the Sustainability Committee.
The Tosei Group ESG Policy
Our mission is to create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals. We regard the commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance as a priority management challenge. We will seriously address the social issues associated with real estate to contribute to society and achieve sustainable growth.
The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines
- 1. Carry out business activities that achieve sound growth
- We will respond swiftly and appropriately to changes in business circumstances and continue business activities that will ensure sound growth to meet our social responsibility to all stakeholders. We will make concerted efforts to strengthen our structure for enhancing corporate governance and building an internal control system.
- 2. Comply with laws and regulations
- We will not only comply with laws and regulations relating to the environment, society and corporate governance, but we will also provide internal training aimed at improving knowledge and promoting understanding, and we will carry out activities for increasing awareness of compliance among external parties.
- 3. Take actions that increase the value of real estate
- We will act to resolve a range of issues involved in real estate and increase added value with a view to making effective use of real estate and energizing local communities in all our business activities.
- 4. Carry out business activities with environmental considerations
- With the aspiration of building a low-carbon society, we will introduce measures that increase the energy efficiency of real estate we own. We will work to reduce water consumption and waste emissions, and implement reduce, reuse and recycle activities in a positive effort toward building a circular economy.
- 5. Contribute to tenants, local residents and communities through real estate owned
- In order to implement these action guidelines, we will work to collaborate with corporate tenants of real estate owned, business partners such as property management firms, and occupants of residential real estate to ensure harmony with local people and communities.
- 6. Increase customer satisfaction
- We will strive to offer products and services based on safety and reliability and sincerely carry out business activities consistently from the viewpoint of our customers in an effort to increase customer satisfaction.
- 7. Increase employee satisfaction
- Personnel are an essential part of our business and we will continue to develop seasoned professionals. We will create a positive corporate culture in which diverse personnel with different backgrounds respect one another and work with a focus on teamwork to increase employee satisfaction.
- 8. Disclose ESG information
- We will disclose our ESG targets, monitor the status of actions on a regular basis and make their results known to stakeholders on our website and by other means.
Formulated: January 2019
Overview of Sustainability Management