Actions for Climate Change

The Company's Perceptions of Climate Change Issues

Since the Paris Agreement of 2015, climate change has become an urgent global challenge, and the need to address environmental issues has become a common understanding among countries around the world. The current climate system and the scale of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in hundreds of thousands of years. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, published in 2021, warns that anthropogenic climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in all regions of the world and that unless GHG emissions are significantly reduced over the next few decades, it will cause more severe and frequent natural disasters. The world must hold the increase in global average temperature to below 2°C or even to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level by the end of the 21st century. Efforts to reduce GHG emissions are being made worldwide, and in Japan, the movement toward the achievement of a decarbonized society has been accelerating since the Japanese government's declaration on Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2050.

Under these circumstances, the Tosei Group recognizes that the climate change will cause dramatic changes in the natural environment and social structure, and that it is an issue that will have a significant impact on our business. We also are aware that natural disasters could reduce the value of real estate and stricter government environmental regulations could significantly affect our business activities, strategies and financial plans. Tosei has established the Tosei Group ESG Policy and Action Guidelines and has also included initiatives to address environmental and social issues in its current medium-term management plan, Further Evolution 2026. We will continue to strive to implement ESG management that takes sustainability into consideration and contribute to the realization of a sustainable and decarbonized society through our corporate activities.

The Tosei Group ESG Policy

The Tosei Group has a mission of creating new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals. We regard our commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance as a priority management challenge. We will seriously address the social issues associated with real estate to contribute to society and achieve our own continuous growth.

Supporting the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

In November 2021, we endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and joined the Japan TCFD Consortium. Based on the TCFD recommendations, we will analyze the risks and opportunities posed by climate change to our business, and strive to further enhance information disclosure.

Note: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has fulfilled its remit and disbanded on October 12, 2023. The monitoring function on the progress of companies' climate-related disclosures is handed over to the IFRS Foundation, who are responsible for the formulation of the International Financial Reporting Standards.

  1. *
    Progress after September 28, 2022 is reported as needed on the "Climate Change" page.

Targets and Results

GHG (CO2) Emissions Results

Targets (FY2022 -)
Long-Term Target
Achieve net zero by FY2050
Medium-Term Target
Reduce 50% by FY2030
Tosei Group Scope 1 and 2
Base Year


Item [Unit] FY2022 Results
(Base year)
FY2030 Target
(Target year)
FY2021 Results FY2022 Results FY2023 Results
Scope 1 480Guaranteed - 197 480Guaranteed 583Guaranteed
Scope 2 3,289Guaranteed - 1,696 3,289Guaranteed 2,714Guaranteed
Scope 1+
Scope 2 Total
3,769Guaranteed 1,885 1,893 3,769Guaranteed 3,297Guaranteed
Reduction rate compared to base year
(Scope 1+Scope 2 Total)
- -50% - - -13%
Total floor area of the subject [㎡] 61,561 - 49,112 61,561 73,722
  • *
    The indicators marked Guaranteedare guaranteed by an independent third party, Sustainability Accounting Co.,Ltd.
    The warranty report :FY2023Open PDF file / FY2022Open PDF file
  • *
    For FY2021 calculation, the Princess Group, which became a consolidated subsidiary in October 2021, is not included.
  • *
    The Group excludes GHGs (CFCs, etc.) other than CO2 due to their extremely small amounts, and calculates and reports only CO2.
  • *
    The GHG emission factor is based on the "Emission Factor by Electric Power Company" published by Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and uses the emission factor of the electric power company used by the subject building.
  • *
    As of November 30, 2023

Energy Use Target

Target (FY2024 -)
Reduce energy use intensity (Crude oil equivalent kl/㎡) by 1% from the previous year
Tosei Group *
  • *
    Real estate portfolio with substantial energy management title among Tosei-owned fixed assets
Targets (FY2018 - FY2023)
Long-Term Target
Reduce energy use intensity by 5% by FY2023
Short-Term Target
Reduce energy use intensity by 1% per year
Tosei owned fixed assets
Base Year

Energy Use Results


Item [Unit] FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Energy use Total amount
126 137 132 146 175 177
Energy use intensity
1.78 1.46 1.41 1.23 1.25 1.26
Reduction rate compared to base year (Energy use intensity) - -18% -21% -31% -30% -29%
Total floor area of the coverage [㎡] 70,664 93,957 93,957 117,982 140,002 141,306
  • *
    The coverage is Tosei-owned fixed assets. This excludes those with an energy monitoring period of less than one year, condominium unit ownership properties, and real estate for sale.
  • *
    Occupancy rate is not taken into account in the calculation of floor area intensity.
  • *
    The base year shown in this table is the base year in the old target through FY2023 (FY2018) . There is no base year in the current target.
  • *
    As of November 30, 2023

Major Initiatives

Reduce CO2 Emission Through Revitalization Business

  • Revitalization

Tosei's Revitalization Business is not only attractive as an investment product, but also leads to the utilization and extension of existing resources and is environmentally friendly. This means that, Tosei's model as the utilization of existing used properties can reduce total amount of CO2 generated due to construction by 54% in comparison to the Scrap and Build Model during 100-year term.(According to our estimation)


Assuming that a newly constructed office building (total floor area: 10,000㎡, steel-framed reinforced concrete structure) will be maintained for 100 years*

TOSEI Value-Up Model
Repair and maintenance work to be carried out every 10 years (8 times in total), and life-extension work to be carried out once every 30 to 40 years (2 times in total).
Lengthening of service life = large-scale repair work for air conditioning, water supply, elevators, water-saving toilets, etc.
Scrap and Build model
Repair work every 10 years (9 times in total), and once every 30-40 years, Demolish the existing building and build a new similar building (2 times in total).
  1. *
    In order to extend the life of the building frame up to 100 years, it is assumed that the neutralization diagnosis of the building frame and its treatment have been taken. In addition, CO2 emissions from the work related to neutralization diagnosis and treatment are not considered.

Creation of Sustainable Value - 3-Point Value Up Code

  • Revitalization
  • Development

When we plan new construction and value-add, we consider the use of environmentally friendly equipment in accordance with the characteristics of the property, and actively introduce environmental products from various perspectives, such as energy and resource conservation.

In particular, when we add value to existing properties after acquisition, we consider the adoption of equipments that lead to sustainable energy, cost, and resource savings based on "3-Point Value Up Code" consisting of "WELL BEING (sophistication & comfort)," "ECO FRIENDLY (ecology & recycling)," and "RESILIENCE (safety & reassurance)."

Sustainable Value Up

We revitalize existing properties incorporating the three-point codes to make the most of their characteristics and enhance their attractiveness.

Utilize Renewable Energy

  • Revitalization
  • Development
  • Rental
  • Fund and Consulting
  • Hotel

To reduce CO2 emissions from the buildings we own, we are working on the use of renewable energy* in addition to energy conservation renovation work.
Tosei's head office building, the Tamachi Tosei Building, and Tosei Hotel COCONE Tsukiji Ginza Premier are powered by renewable energy, and Tosei is also working on local production for local consumption of energy by installing solar panels and storage batteries at T's eco Kawasaki as part of its value-add work to power some common areas as part of its renewable energy utilization in its regeneration business.

  1. *
    Electricity derived from renewable energy includes the use of non-fossil certificates classified as renewable energy.
T's eco Kawasaki Solar Panels

Initiatives to Reduce GHG Emissions in the Fund and Consulting Business

  • Fund and Consulting

In our Fund and Consulting Business, through our asset management services, we promote energy-saving renovation of buildings owned by real estate private placement funds and REITs, acquisition of environment-related certifications, and efforts to reduce GHG emissions.
Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc has established the Green x Value Up Residential Fund (hereinafter "the Fund") in FY2023, which aims to reduce whole-building GHG emissions through energy-saving renovations, working with domestic institutional investors.
The Fund will operate its properties with the goal of significant reducing GHG emissions for the whole-building by holding existing rental apartments over the long term and conducting energy-saving renovations not only of common areas but also vacant units. The Company will carry out the renovation work as construction manager, and the value of the property will be increased with a focus on the reduction of environmental impact, thereby revitalizing the property as a rental apartment building that contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society. In addition to LED lighting and the introduction of motion sensors in common areas, the installation of solar power generation equipment on the rooftop is planned along with the application of highly reflective paint. In the exclusive areas, water, lighting, and air conditioning equipment will be upgraded to energy- and water-saving models, and a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is installed to enable the visualization and optimization of energy use.

Exterior view of subject property
Rooftop where solar power generation equipment will be installed

Participation in the Earthquake Resistance and Environmental Real Estate Formation Promotion Project

  • Fund and Consulting

In 2013, Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc. was selected as the fund manager for the first project managed by Real Estate Sustainability & Energy-Efficiency Diffusion Organization (Re-Seed Organization) under the Earthquake Resistance and Environmental Real Estate Formation Promotion Project promoted by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of the Environment. Furthermore, new funds were established in 2014 and 2017.

Development of Decarbonized and Low-Carbon Properties

  • Development

We are working to build houses that meet the ZEH (Net Zero Energy House) standard, and in FY2023, we supplied 12 ZEH and long-life quality housing. We are developing products that incorporate the most advanced housing equipment and systems, including solar power generators, energy- and water-saving equipment, and IoT. We will continue with these efforts to provide houses that combine high energy-saving performance and comfort.

Example of ZEH construction
Solar power generation system
High-performance heat-insulating material
Energy Meter

Major Environmentally-Conscious Equipment Installations

  • Development

The Group's development properties actively adopt equipment and materials that contribute to greenhouse gas reduction and energy conservation, as described below.

  • Energy-saving water heater (Eco-Jozu, ENE-FARM)
  • Double-layered glass
  • LED lighting, motion sensor lighting
  • Highly insulated design (equivalent to heat insulation performance grade 4)
  • Highly insulated sashes
  • Solar power generation system
  • Rainwater utilization equipment (rainwater tank, water-retaining interlocking)
  • Water-saving faucets, water-saving toilets
  • Recycled materials
  • Rooftop greenery, rooftop green / vegetable garden
  • Electric car charging facilities

Promotion of LED Installation in Used Office Buildings

  • Rental
  • Property Management

The Group is promoting the installation of LED lighting in the fixed assets it owns. To date, we have installed LED lighting throughout 7 existing office buildings and 1 existing logistic facility and reduced electricity consumption by an average of approximately 20% to 30%. This is expected to improve tenant satisfaction by reducing electricity consumption and costs, increasing the brightness of the buildings, and eliminating the need for maintenance.

Shinbashi Frontier BL
Toranomon Tosei BL
Narimasu Tosei BL

Tenant Survey

  • Rental
  • Property Management

We conduct an annual survey of all tenants of our buildings (fixed assets) to ascertain their needs regarding building management systems and facilities, etc. The Sustainability Committee of Tosei Community Corporation, which is responsible for the management of fixed assets, and the Sustainability Committee of Tosei confirm the results of the survey and take necessary measures to improve tenant satisfaction. The Sustainability Committee of Tosei Community Corporation, which is responsible for the management of fixed assets, and the Sustainability Committee of Tosei Corporation confirm the results of the questionnaires and take necessary measures to improve tenant satisfaction.

Green Lease Agreement

  • Rental
  • Property Management

For tenants of buildings that have undergone whole-building LED construction, we have entered into green lease contracts with tenants that stipulate that both the owner and the tenant will enjoy the benefits of energy conservation through the installation of energy-saving equipment, and that the tenant will work with the owner on various energy-saving activities that will contribute to improving the environmental performance of the property. As of the end of the fiscal period ended November 30, 2023, green lease contracts were in place for 8 properties, including Shinden Logistics, Awaji-cho Tosei Building, and others.

Energy Conservation Awareness Activities

  • Rental
  • Property Management

We are striving to raise building users' awareness of energy conservation and reduce energy consumption by distributing Sustainability Guides, which provide information on energy conservation activities, and by displaying posters to promote energy and resource conservation, waste separation, stairway use, and other activities.

Energy conservation promotion poster
Sustainability guidebooks

Promotion of Acquiring Environmental Real Estate Certification

  • Rental
  • Property Management

We are promoting energy-saving renovations, including the installation of LED lighting in buildings. We are also promoting the acquisition of certifications that evaluate the environmental performance and social aspects of real estate and use these certifications to enhance the value of our assets and for leasing.

Resources and Energy Conservation Within the Company

By establishing an IT infrastructure within the company, meeting materials and documents for approval are being made paperless. In addition, we are continuing steady activities such as using electric fans and halogen heaters instead of relying on air conditioners. We are also actively introducing resource- and energy-saving equipment such as water-saving toilets and motion-sensor lighting. We believe that it is important to make continuous efforts throughout the year to promote resource and energy conservation, and we will continue to educate and implement familiar eco-activities that can be carried out by every employee.