
Aim to realize a sustainable society through all corporate activities

The Tosei Group has a mission of creating new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals. We regard our commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance as a priority management challenge.

Sustainability News

Materiality for the TOSEI Group

For the development of a sustainable society, we have set six key issues that we must address in order to contribute to solving social and environmental issues and to promote ESG management for sustainable corporate growth.

  • 1

    Action on climate change and promotion of a circular economy

  • 2

    Environmentally friendly craftsmanship and service provision

  • 3

    Healthy work environment that embraces diversity and individuality

  • 4

    High quality products and services that give safety and reassurance

  • 5

    Creation, rehabilitation and revitalization of local communities

  • 6

    Governance that promotes healthy corporate growth