TOSEI Group's Sustainability

Our Approach to Sustainability

In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our corporate activities, the Tosei Group has established "The Tosei Group ESG Policy" and "The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines" and is striving to implement ESG management that takes sustainability into consideration by establishing an ESG promotion system led by the Sustainability Committee.

The Tosei Group ESG Policy and The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines

The Tosei Group ESG Policy

The Tosei Group has a mission of creating new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals. It regards its commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance as a priority management challenge. It will seriously address the social issues associated with real estate to contribute to society and achieve its own continuous growth.

The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines

1. Carry out business activities that achieve sound growth

We will respond swiftly and appropriately to changes in business circumstances and continue business activities that will ensure sound growth to meet our social responsibility to all stakeholders. We will make concerted efforts to strengthen our structure for enhancing corporate governance and building an internal control system.

2. Comply with laws and regulations

We will not only comply with laws and regulations relating to the environment, society and corporate governance, but we will also provide internal training aimed at improving knowledge and promoting understanding, and we will carry out activities for increasing outsiders' awareness.

3. Take actions that increase the value of real estate

We will take actions toward resolving a range of issues involved in real estate and increasing its added value with a view to making effective use of real estate and energizing local communities in all our business activities.

4. Carry out business activities with environmental considerations

With the aspiration of building a low-carbon society, we will introduce measures that increase the energy efficiency of real estate owned. We will work to reduce water consumption and waste emissions and implement reduce, reuse and recycle activities in a positive effort towards building a recycling-oriented society.

5. Contribute to tenants, locals and communities through real estate owned

In terms of our aim of practicing actions in accordance with these action guidelines, we will work to collaborate with corporate tenants of real estate owned, business partners such as property management firms and occupants of residential real estate to establish harmony with the local people and communities.

6. Increase customer satisfaction

We will strive to offer products and services based on safety and reassurance and sincerely carry out business activities consistently from customers' standpoints in an effort to increase customer satisfaction.

7. Increase employee satisfaction

We will define personnel as an essential part of our business and continue developing seasoned professionals. We will create a positive corporate culture in which diverse personnel with different backgrounds respect one another and work with a focus on teamwork in an effort to boost employee satisfaction.

8. Disclose ESG information

We will disclose our ESG targets, monitor the state of actions on a regular basis and make their results known to stakeholders on our website and by other means.

Developed: January 2019

Materiality (Material Issues) for the Tosei Group

The Tosei Group started identifying its materiality as part of its pursuit of sustainability from November in fiscal year 2022, in order to strongly drive ESG management.
We have long been implementing a wide range of environmental,social and governance initiatives. With companies sure to come under increasing pressure to implement initiatives to address climate change and other social and environmental issues in the future, we are committed to further accelerating our initiatives by specifying important themes that we should address as a priority to help solve social and environmental issues for the development of a sustainable society and to drive ESG management for the achievement of sustainable corporate growth.

Materiality Identification Process

Materiality Identification Process

Materiality of The Tosei Group

ThemeMateriality(The value we believe it is important to create)Major initiativesContribution to the SDGs
Coexistence with the environment Action on climate change and promotion of a recycling-oriented society - Energy conservation and use of renewable energy
- Disaster prevention and mitigation
- Efficient use of resources

Environmentally friendly manufacturing and service provision - Improvement and visualization of environmental performance in both 'tangible' and 'intangible' aspects
- Reduction of environmental impact of real estate revitalization and development
Action to address social issues Healthy work environment that embraces diversity and individuality - Utilization of diverse human resources
- Promotion of diverse working styles
- Pursuit of job satisfaction
- Respecting for human rights
- Promotion of mental and physical wellbeing

High quality products and services that give safety and reassurance - Safety and security of mind of customers
- Safety and security of mind of employees and suppliers
Creation, rehabilitation and revitalization of local communities - Rehabilitation, creation and revitalization of local communities
- Revitalization of local economies
Solid corporate governance Governance that promotes healthy corporate growth - Enhancement of corporate governance
- Compliance
- Strengthening risk management

Developed: November 2023

ESG Promotion System

The Group has established a Sustainability Committee to deliberate and determine ESG-related policies and activities. The committee is chaired by the director responsible for sustainability (Noboru Hirano, CFO and Senior Executive Officer) appointed by the CEO, and consists of members appointed by the director responsible for sustainability. The contents of the deliberations are regularly reported to the Board of Directors and reflected in the Group’s business activities in cooperation with each relevant department.


Tosei Group Long-Term Vision 2032

Background and Purpose

 The business environment surrounding the Group has become increasingly uncertain amid revolutionary changes, including the escalation of climate change issues, the emergence of geopolitical risks, the declining birthrate and the aging of society in Japan, the acceleration of behavioral changes triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and rapid advances in digital technology. In order to adapt to such changes in the business environment, ensure the Group’s continued growth over the future, and enhance corporate value by contributing to the realization of a sustainable society, the Company formulated “Tosei Group Long-Term Vision 2032” to clarify “the Company’s direction (what the Company envisions to be)” based on the Company’s core competencies that are the source of the Group’s competitive advantage and to make Group-wide efforts to realize its vision.
 The Company formulated the new medium-term management plan “Further Evolution 2026” for the initial three years (phase 1) out of the nine-year period in order to realize the Long-Term Vision 2032.

Overview of the “Tosei Group Long-Term Vision 2032”

Overview of the “Tosei Group Long-Term Vision 2032”

 The Group, through its six real estate-related businesses, has provided various solutions to realize the potential value of real estate. The Company is also expanding the business domain while mitigating risks by combining multiple businesses with different business attributes and are continuing to improve its real estate investment technique as a portfolio manager capable of handling a wide variety of assets. Furthermore, in the asset management domain, the Company offers world-class services trusted by real estate investors around the world and will work toward growing its business and realizing the Long-Term Vision 2032 by further expanding the Company’s core competencies, i.e., the Company’s “Real Estate Solution Capabilities,” “Portfolio Management Capabilities,” and “Global Reach Capabilities”.

    Medium-Term Management Plan “Further Evolution 2026”

    Main Policy and Basic Policies

     By executing various measures under the following main policy and five basic policies, the Company will enhance the competitive edge of the Group and also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

    basic policy

    Target management indicators

    management plan

    Specific Initiatives

     The plan will aim for the evolution and growth of the six existing business portfolio by strengthening “Real Estate Solution Capabilities”, “Portfolio Management Capabilities”, and “Global Reach Capabilities”, which are the sources of the Group’s corporate value, and expanding the service domains of each business and maximizing synergies within the Group.

     In the Revitalization Business and the Development Business, the Company will aim to establish and penetrate the Tosei brand through differentiation by providing environmentally-friendly products conscious of sustainability, encouraging the utilization of existing real estate stock, and expanding the scope of products handled, among others. Additionally, to enhance its purchasing competitiveness, the Company will promote studies to improve the efficiency of property appraisals and the utilization of M&As.

     In stable businesses, the Company will work on the studies of facility specifications in line with tenant demand in the Rental Business and the reinforcement of its service functions and the improved efficiency of back office operations in the Fund and Consulting Business and the Property Management Business, and make efforts to penetrate the Company’s brand through appeal to customers by differentiating the Tosei Hotel COCONE from other hotels and expand scales in the Hotel Business.

     Furthermore, in the DX field, the Company will make efforts to promote business efficiency, while also providing real estate investment opportunities to a new customer base through real estate crowd funding, a real estate tech business which combines real estate, finance, and DX, issuing security tokens, and digital matching of the sales of pre-owned condominium units, in order to diversify the exit strategies for properties revitalized and developed by the Company.

     To strengthen the Company’s business base that sustains growth, it will focus its efforts on the building of a personnel system, organizational structure, and work environment that allows for human resources development and enables diverse employees to leverage their individuality and maximize their capabilities and deepen its engagement with the employees. Additionally, in terms of finances and capital allocation, the Company will strengthen its funding capabilities to support the expansion of its business scale and the balance of assets held, while maintaining a sound financial structure and aiming to continue its growth investment and improvement of the return of profits with an awareness of capital efficiency.

    Participation in Initiatives

    To solve social issues such as climate change, we participate in the following initiatives that are consistent with the Group's approach.

    Supporting the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

    In September 2021, we expressed our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and joined the TCFD Consortium, an organization of supporters in Japan. Based on the TCFD recommendations, we will analyze the risks and opportunities posed by climate change to our business, and strive to further enhance information disclosure.

    Commitment to SDGs

    Sustainable Development Goals

    We have created links between the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Tosei Group ESG Policy and Action Guidelines.
    Please click here to see the relationship between materiality and the SDGs.

     The Tosei Group ESG Action GuidelinesRelationship with SDGs
    E Carry out business activities with environmental considerations
    S Take actions that increase the value of real estate
    Contribute to tenants, locals and communities through real estate owned
    Increase customer satisfaction
    Increase employee satisfaction
    G Carry out business activities that achieve sound growth
    Comply with laws and regulations
    Disclose ESG information

    SDGs 17 Goals

    1. 1.No Poverty
    2. 2.Zero Hunger
    3. 3.Good Health and Well-Being
    4. 4.Quality Education
    5. 5.Gender Equality
    6. 6.Clean Water and Sanitation
    7. 7.Affordable and Clean Energy
    8. 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
    1. 9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    2. 10.Reduced Inequalities
    3. 11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
    4. 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
    5. 13.Climate Action
    6. 14.Life Below Water
    1. 15.Life On Land
    2. 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    3. 17.Partnerships for the Goals

    Tosei Group's ESG-related Policies and Regulations

    We have established "The Tosei Group ESG Policy" and "The Tosei Group ESG Action Guidelines" as the basic policy of the Tosei Group in promoting ESG.

    The Tosei Group Ethics Code

    To fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we will always attach importance to a high standard of ethics and a law-abiding spirit while pursuing our corporate philosophy, and will conduct our business activities in accordance with the following Code.

    1. 1.Sustainable economic growth and resolution of social issues
      We will strive for sustainable growth and the resolution of social issues by always putting ourselves in our customers' shoes and positioning safety and security at the heart of the products and services we develop and provide, and by forever remaining humble and conducting business activities in good faith.
    2. 2.Fair Information Disclosure
      We will disclose the necessary corporate information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner in order to obtain proper evaluation and understanding from investors and wider society.
    3. 3.Fair and transparent decision-making
      We will make decisions based on appropriate and explainable reasoning, in accordance with laws, regulations and internal rules.
    4. 4.Thorough compliance with laws and regulations and fair dealings
      We will understand both domestic and international laws and regulations and will never engage in any conduct that violates such legislation, or in any fraudulent conduct. We will also engage in fair and free competition and appropriate transactions, and will avoid becoming involved in bribery or other similar giving or receiving of unfair advantage in any way.
    5. 5.Comprehensive crisis management
      We will not have any relationships with antisocial forces and will conduct thorough and organized crisis management to prepare for a terrorism, cyber-attack, natural disaster or other crisis.
    6. 6.Protection of confidential information
      We will protect and strictly manage the material information of the Tosei Group, the personal information of customers, the information of business partners, and other confidential information.
    7. 7.Respect for human rights and creation of positive work environments
      We will respect human rights and will not tolerate any behavior which violates the dignity of individuals including discrimination and harassment. We will also strive to develop human resources and create working environment with mutual trust and decency.
    8. 8.Initiatives to address environmental issues
      We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by implementing initiatives to reduce our environmental impact, recycle resources and address the risk of climate change, based on a strong awareness of the importance of environmental issues.
    9. 9.Social Contribution
      We will seek harmony with local communities and the global community as a good corporate citizen and actively and continuously promote activities that contribute to society.
    10. 10.Commitment of Top Management
      The Tosei Group's Top Management recognizes that it falls to them to embody the spirit of this Code and, in the event of a violation of this Code, top management will proactively take charge of resolving the issue, endeavor to identify the cause and prevent a recurrence, demonstrate accountability, including the disclosure of information to markets and society in a timely and appropriate manner, and fairly and strictly punish those involved, including themselves.

    Developed: April 2006
    Revised: November 2022

    The Tosei Group Human Rights Policy

    Based on our philosophy of "Create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals," the Tosei Group strongly recognizes the importance of thoroughly promoting our business in consideration of human rights and has established the following "The Tosei Group Human Rights Policy" for all employees. This policy was established by the Management Committee and the Board of Directors of Tosei Corporation and is widely disseminated within and outside the Group through the company intranet and corporate website.

    The Tosei Group Human Rights Policy

    The Tosei Group respects the fundamental human rights set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We support and respect the following items as basic labor rights.

    1. Prohibition of discrimination
    We prohibit all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.

    2. Prohibition of harassment
    We prohibit all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment and power harassment.

    3. Prohibition of child labor
    We prohibit all forms of child labor.

    4. Prohibition of forced labor
    We prohibit all forms of forced labor.

    5. Reduction of excessive work
    We implement appropriate working hour management to reduce excessive work.

    6. Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    We respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

    7. Payment of wages above the minimum wage
    We comply with the Minimum Wage Law and other labor laws and regulations to pay wages to our employees above the minimum wage.

    8. Ensuring health and safety
    We strive to prevent occupational accidents and create workplaces where employees can work in good health and safety.

    Developed: January 2022

    Tosei Group Environmental Policy

    The Tosei Group has established the following five items as its environmental policy and endeavor to promote environmental efforts in all of its corporate activities.

    1. Promotion of efforts to create a low-carbon society
    We will contribute to the formation of a low-carbon society by actively introducing measures that contribute to energy conservation and reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

    2. Promotion of efforts to create a circulating society
    We will strive to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to the formation of a circulating society by preventing environmental pollution, promoting resource conservation including reduce, reuse, and recycle, and reducing water consumption and waste emissions.

    3. Promotion of efforts to coexist in harmony with the environment
    We will contribute to the formation of a prosperous and sustainable society by creating urban environments that are in harmony with nature, taking biodiversity into consideration.

    4. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations and raising awareness of environmental conservation
    In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations, we will conduct environmental education and awareness-raising activities to enhance the awareness of Group employees regarding environmental conservation.

    5. Promotion of Environmental Communication
    We will disclose the status of our environmental efforts to society and engage in dialogue with our various stakeholders.

    Developed: March 2022

    Tosei Group Health & Productivity Management Policy

    The Tosei Group regards employees' health and safety as a key management issue, build a workplace environment that inspires employees to work energetically, and take measures proactively to maintain and promote their health, under our management principle: Continue developing seasoned, true professionals based on people-centered management.

    Health and Productivity Management Declaration

    1.Promoting employee health
    We will drive health and productivity management proactively to build a workplace environment that inspires each employee to work energetically with good physical and mental health.

    2.Growth and development of the Group
    We will work to maintain and promote the health of Group companies' employees, thereby improving the Group's performance for its further growth and development.

    3.Contribution to society
    Through real-estate-related products and services we provide at the Group, we will work to maintain and promote the health of people living in local communities, thus contributing to building a wealthy, sustainable society.

    Developed: August 1, 2023