Corporate Philosophy

The Tosei Group's Corporate Philosophy

Create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals.
Management Principles
Continue developing seasoned, true professionals based on people-centered management.
Face risks with entrepreneurial drive and inspire continual innovation by breaking down stereotypes.
Optimize investments through portfolio management that integrates real estate and finance.
Remain committed to craftsmanship, seek value globally and expand our network of cocreation.
Maintain fair business practices while pursuing world-class management quality.
Action Principles
Ceaselessly sharpen professional attitudes, knowledge and skills.
Think and collaborate to become a learning organization.
Stay true to one's word, make clear decisions, and act speedily.
Create an enjoyable, positive corporate culture through mutual respect and teamwork.
TOSEI's Logo

symbolizes unlimited growth and opportunities
represents the integration of real estate and finance, and a global business scope
expresses fl exibility
Tosei's Blue:Symbolizes harmonious business development as a color that blends with all colors
Tosei's Gray:A combination of white and black, expressing Tosei's comprehensive capabilities, such as the fusion of finance and real estate, and the fusion of people and nature
The Tosei Group's Corporate message

Tosei aims to build attractive cities by creating new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate.
To build an attractive city does not mean tearing it all down and starting from scratch.
Rather, a fl exible approach is needed that matches the local characteristics.
To create new value and inspiration, we build the city with all our heart. Hence our message:
"Heart into the City"