Message from the President and CEO

Under the corporate philosophy "To create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate," the Tosei Group aims to contribute to society, achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value by developing real estate and restoring its value, with a view of 10 to 20 years in the future.
As the social environment is changing at a dizzying pace, and people's lifestyles and values are becoming more diverse, the role and value of real estate are also changing. We have formulated the "Tosei Group Long-Term Vision 2032" to ensure that we continue to grow in the future and enhance its corporate value by contributing to the realization of a sustainable society in this business environment.
While developing our three core competencies of "real estate solution capabilities," "portfolio management capabilities," and "global reach capabilities," which are the source of our competitive advantage, we will strive to achieve further business growth and realize our long-term vision of "we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a unique real estate portfolio manager with diverse solution capabilities."

President and CEO
April, 2024
Mar. 1983 |
Graduated from Keio University, School of Low |
Aug. 1990 |
Director of Tosei Corporation (the Company) |
Jun. 1994 |
President and Representative Director of the Company (current position) |
Jul. 2004 |
President and CEO of the Company (current position) |