Create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate

The Tosei Group is a comprehensive real estate company operating six businesses mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
Our business activities and features are summarized in "Tosei at a Glance ."

Six Businesses

Promote highly stable portfolio management

The Tosei Group owns six businesses: real estate revitalization, development, rental, fund and consulting, property management, and hotel, and promotes highly stable portfolio management.
The revitalization and development businesses are expected to generate high earnings from real estate transactions, while the rental, fund and consulting, property management, and hotel businesses provide stable earnings. The Tosei Group has built a business foundation that can flexibly respond to changes in market conditions by mutually complementing six businesses.

Trading Business

Sale and purchase of real estate for sale, including single buildings, condominiums, and detached houses, etc.

Revitalization Business

In the revitalization business, we acquire properties whose asset values have deteriorated and sell them to investors, funds and individuals as “revitalization real estate” with improved design, convenience and security, as well as eco-friendly specifications, from our “Value Up plans” that address area characteristics and tenant needs.
We also acquire properties through Mergers and Acquisitions.

Development Business

In the development business, we examine the characteristics of the land we acquire, and develop and sell new construction that maximizes the value of the land from a diverse product lineup that includes offices, commercial facilities, condominiums, detached houses, hotels, logistics facilities, and apartments.
With an in-house first-class architect office, we are committed to “monozukuri” (manufacturing) and “quality” and promote the development of environmentally and socially conscious real estate.

Stable Business

Businesses which provide stable fee income

Hotel Business

We are actively developing the hotel brand “TOSEI HOTEL COCONE” mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area and converting existing office buildings into hotels. In hotel development and revitalization, we collaborate with revitalization and development businesses to make optimal hotel plans tailored to the area and its needs.
Hotel planning and operation are conducted by Tosei Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and Tosei Hotel Service Co., Ltd.

Rental Business

In the rental business, we secure stable income by leasing offices, condominiums, and commercial facilities owned by the Tosei Group in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
We practice to maintain and enhance property values through comprehensive operations utilizing our unique expertise.

Property Management Business

In property management business, Tosei Community Co., Ltd., offers comprehensive property management services including building management, security services, renovation, tenant management and leasing operations.
It engages in property management of both assets owned by Tosei Group and those owned by outside owners, providing services that contribute to maximizing cashflows and increasing asset value.

©Takuya Watanabe Photography
Fund and Consulting Business

In the fund and consulting business, Tosei Asset Advisors, Inc. provides asset management services for real estate funds and manages the assets of Tosei Reit Investment Corporation.
The business has been growing remarkably in recent years, as it is engaged in the purchase and sale and the improvement of rental occupancy rates of real estate that meets the needs of investors.
We will also contribute to business synergies by quickly identifying changes in demand in the real estate investment market and utilizing our network in the fund and consulting business for the real estate transaction in the revitalization and the development business.

Enlarge or see detailsClick to see the details of each business

TOSEI's 6 Businesses / Trading Business / Stable Business
Fund andConsulting

Variety of Products

Product lineup

The Tosei Group offers products for a wide range of uses (office buildings, residences, commercial facilities, hotels, and logistics facilities) and sizes (large/medium/small) in new construction development and revitalization.
In new construction development, we develop products from a diverse development menu that match the characteristics of the area, the needs of the market, and the trends of the times.
In the revitalization of existing properties, we seek to revitalize real estate value by improving design, convenience, security, and environmentally friendly specifications.
The Tosei Group provides optimal products tailored to the individual characteristics of each property through its marketing and research expertise backed by portfolio management.

Offices / Hotels / Rental apartments / Condominiums / Commercial facilities / Detached houses / Logistic facilities

Business Area

Mainly in Tokyo metropolitan area

The Tosei Group's main business area is Tokyo. Since our establishment, we have consistently invested in real estate in the Tokyo metropolitan area and have accumulated an extensive track record in both the size and use of real estate, and have developed assessment proficiency for real estate in Tokyo.
We will continue to develop our business with a focus on the Tokyo market, which is our forte.

Tokyo Metropolis / Saitama prefecture / Kanagawa prefecture / Chiba prefecture
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    FY2024 Inventories
23wards 48% / Outskirt cities of Tokyo 15% / Kanagawa prefecture 22% / Chiba prefecture 9% / Saitama prefecture 3% / The Others 3%

Tosei in Figures

Revenue and Profit Before Tax

Revenue 82.1 billion yen / Revitalization Business 45.3% / Development Business 20.3% / Rental Business 10.0% / Fund and Consulting Business 8.4% / Property Management Business 10.5% / Hotel Business 7.7%

Revenue82.1billion yen

Profit Before Tax17.3billion yen

For FY2024, both revenue and profit reached record highs, with revenue of 82.1 billion yen (+3.5% year-on-year) and profit before tax of 17.3 billion yen (+13.4% year-on-year).

Number of employees:


Tosei has 282 employees on a non-consolidated basis and 809 employees in the group as a whole, all of whom are working diligently as professionals in their respective departments.

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Annual number of transactions:


The annual number of sales and purchase transactions in the real estate revitalization and development businesses is approximately 404 Sales department members work together to promote transaction activities.

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Assets under management:

2443.8billion yen

Assets under management (AUM) from funds and REITs in the real estate fund and consulting business totaled 2,443.8 billion yen.

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Cumulative total floor area with environmental certification:


We are promoting environmental and social considerations in our revitalization and development real estate, and are actively acquiring environmental real estate certifications. The cumulative total floor area of properties with environmental certification in fixed assets owned through FY2024 was 49,337m2.

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Philosophy and Vision


Create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals.

Long-Term Vision 2032

We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a unique real estate portfolio manager with diverse solution capabilities.

Medium-Term Management Plan “Further Evolution 2026”

Aim for further evolution as a unique comprehensive real estate company
capable of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Realization of a Sustainable Society

The Tosei Group's mission is to create new value and inspiration in all aspects of real estate as a global-minded group of seasoned professionals. We recognize that the environment, social, and governance are important management issues, and we will contribute to society by addressing social issues related to real estate with sincerity, while aiming for the sustainable growth of the Group.
