Tosei's Real Estate DX
We promote differentiation of products and services through the use of IT and digital technology, and integration of real estate and DX.
In anticipation of advances in information technology and the diversification of our customers' investment activities, we will research a wide range of digital fields and promote the development of products and services that integrate real estate and digital technology.
We will continue to take on the challenge of new businesses based on two DX initiatives: "offensive DX" to expand our customer base and "defensive DX" to improve operational efficiency, service quality, and product competitiveness.
Initiatives to Expand Investment Opportunities for Customer
Tosei has launched a real estate crowdfunding service that allows customers to easily invest in real estate properties selected by Tosei in small amounts.

Security Token
We issue digital assets backed by real estate to provide new financing and investment opportunities.
We have issued security token (ST), which are digital securities issued using blockchain technology.

Digital Matching
Tosei's digital matching business is a service that uses a state-of-the-art digital platform to efficiently connect buyers and sellers of real estate, using digital technology to provide property information tailored to user needs for speedy and accurate matching.

Improve Operational Efficiency, Service Quality, and Product Competitiveness
Digitalization of Business Processes
Business efficiency and work style transformation through the use of digital
Enhancing product strength and competitiveness through the use of robotics, IoT, and automation (DPA)
Establishment of DX Promotion System
Reinforcement of group-wide system management structure and DX promotion structure
Establish digital human resource development and IT literacy education system
Upgrade IT architecture throughout the group