
Tosei Group is a general real estate company that operates mainly in Greater Tokyo Area.

Tosei Group promotes highly stable portfolio management with its 6 businesses: real estate revitalization, development, rental, fund and consulting, property management, and hotel.

Features Features of Tosei's Businesses

Highly Stable Portfolio Management

Our portfolio management is characterized by diversification of risk through multi-business development and capture of business opportunities in all real estate scenes.

While the revitalization and development business can expect high earnings from real estate transactions, the fund business, which has been growing remarkably in recent years, as well as the rental, property management, and hotel businesses, can generate stable earnings.
Tosei Group is building a business foundation that can respond flexibly to changes in market conditions by taking advantage of synergies among its 6 businesses, which complement each other.

Trading Business TOSEI's 6 Businesses Stable Business, Revitalization, Development, Hotel, Rental, Property Management, Fund and Consulting

Business Tosei's 6 Businesses

Trading Business

This is an area where profits from sales are reinvested as a growth driver to expand the scale of the business.

Stable Business

This is an area that provides stable fee income and supports management.

DX Tosei's Real Estate DX

DX Promotion: product and service differentiation and work efficiency improvement through the use of IT and digital technology

In the medium-term management plan “Further Evolution 2026,” the Tosei Group has adopted the basic policy of “promote product and service differentiation and work efficiency improvement through the use of IT and digital technology” based on its major policy of “aim for further evolution as a unique comprehensive real estate company capable of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. ”
In addition to promoting efficiency in business processes, we will work on real estate crowdfunding, which is a real estate tech business that integrates real estate, finance, and DX, security token issuance, and digital matching of condominium units sales to diversify exit strategies for properties that we revitalize or develop, and provide real estate investment opportunities to new customer segments.